Kolab 16.1 comes with another very interesting optional add-ons you will want to explore: The Audit Trail** keeps a real time, immutable history of all data, every email, and every note, created and sent on or to the system. The Trail registers creations, reads, deletions and moves of all the data, giving you a full detailed view of everything going in and out of your Kolab collaboration

The current recommended version for supported production deployments is Kolab 16.1. For subscription-based support of Kolab installations, please visit the Kolab Enterprise Knowledge Base , which offers product, services and support for all sizes of business, government, NGO, and educational organizations. 03/05/2017 · Work, Chat, Video, Tasks, Files, Links, Apps; All for today's students, artists and professionals. You can support us on IndieGoGo right here: https://igg.me/at/kolab Kolab is a free and open source groupware suite. It consists of the Kolab server and a wide variety of Kolab clients, including KDE PIM-Suite Kontact, Roundcube web frontend, Mozilla Thunderbird and Mozilla Lightning with SyncKolab extension and Microsoft Outlook with proprietary Kolab-Connector PlugIns. Kolab KER est née le 18 octobre 1989. Kolab KER est gérant de l'entreprise Ky Securite Sarl qui a été créée en 2012. Le chiffre d'affaires de la société en 2017 s'élève à 128 255 €.

Kolab Now is managed and owned by Kolab Systems AG and originally went by the name of My Kolab. It’s an open-source software email client. The system offers email as well as text messaging, address book, calendar, and other familiar features. Business-friendly. It’s very popular with businesses for email, file, and contact sharing, and the company says that it allows over 108 billion files

The current recommended version for supported production deployments is Kolab 16.1. For subscription-based support of Kolab installations, please visit the Kolab Enterprise Knowledge Base , which offers product, services and support for all sizes of business, government, NGO, and educational organizations. 03/05/2017 · Work, Chat, Video, Tasks, Files, Links, Apps; All for today's students, artists and professionals. You can support us on IndieGoGo right here: https://igg.me/at/kolab

Kolab Enterprise is your solution. Liberate your cloud strategy with full support for all of On-Premise, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud or in your own instance in a Public Cloud. Enjoy professional support, whichever is the best path for your business and allow us to accompany you along the way.

Image: Brendan Hesse En dépit de la commodité et de la qualité de l'écosystème tentaculaire de Google, certains utilisateurs en ont assez des règles de confidentialité ludiques récemment mises en œuvre par la société dans Gmail, Chrome et d'autres services. Il convient de reconnaître que Google a apporté de bons changements en réponse aux commentaires des utilisateurs, mais cela Vulnérabilités de Kolab: Date de la première version: 23 novembre 2009: Date de la dernière version: 23 novembre 2009: Source(s) Aucune Pièce(s) jointe(s) Pièce(s) jointe(s) Aucune(s) Tableau 1: Gestion du document. Une gestion de version détaillée se trouve à la fin de ce document. Risque . Contournement de la politique de sécurité. Systèmes affectés. Kolab Server 2.2.2 avec Clam Kolab Now Applications / Collaboration / Groupware / Communication Kolab est un groupware.Il permet notamment de gérer les emails, agendas et carnets d'adresses d'une organisation. Idée fondatrice. L'idée originale de Kolab consiste à tout stocker dans un serveur IMAP : non seulement le courrier électronique, mais aussi les carnets d'adresses, notes, agendas, fichiers, etc. Ces entrées